Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sui yue zhan fang qing chun xiao rong...

Never in my life did I ever think I'd sing, let alone be asked to sing in front of 1,000 people. Twice.
But, hey, you're only a tone deaf, English-speaking high school student in Beijing once, right? Hence, what better time to be asked to sing a Chinese song in a cultural festival than that.
This year Jingshan decided to hold a cultural festival in the Forbidden City Concert Hall. A week before we were told we'd be singing "Beijing Huan Ying Ni" with our host siblings. Saber somehow removed the voices from the track on her computer, shortened it, and assigned us all parts to sing.
It went better than expected. I'd say that for every word of the song, at least half the Americans knew what to sing.

"Sui yue zhan fang qing chun xiao rong ying jie zhe ge ri qi" was my line. Try saying that five times fast! I'm not positive what it means. Something about the sun and flowers blooming, I think.

They even did our make-up!

A class from the elementary school did a dance to a famous Chinese folk tale that looked a lot like the "I'll huff and puff and blow your house down" American story (I'm forgetting the name), only with a herd of sheep, two wolves and no houses. But the wolves were trying to eat the sheep!

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