Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's a general rule that Chinese people - 5 years = their should-be age. This only applies to people living in China. Niki, for example loooves matchmaking games. She sat me down on a bed the night we got back from Huangshan and asked me to pick a number. She then had me shuffle and deck of cards and explained that the king of hearts is handsome, king of spades clever, king of clubs powerful, and king of diamonds rich. She did some counting thing based on the number I chose earlier and flipped some cards over. My future husband, she told me, was 20% clever (pronounced clevah), 30% handsome, 50% rich and 80% powerful. A few minutes later whispered in my ear that I shouldn't worry, the cards aren't always right. Her and her roommates play it all the time.
We then taught her how to play MASH. She got a kick out of it, but buried her head into my lap when we told her she was going to have five kids and marry Elias.

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